The banner saga 1 & 2
The banner saga 1 & 2

the banner saga 1 & 2

The game employs the same sort of tactical RPG system used in the first game, and is really almost a perfect mix of complexity and accessibility that should appeal to most people even with a passing interest in the genre. The gameplay is perhaps not quite as good as the story, but it is still wildly enjoyable in its own right. Typically, a gameplay element like this largely feels like a waste, but The Banner Saga 2 manages to implement it almost flawlessly. It is rare for a game like this to actually incorporate meaningful decisions into the actual plot, and even rarer that these decisions alter more than a couple of lines of dialogue here or there. These aren't the simple kind of choices where there is a clear good and clear bad choice, and most decisions need to be carefully weighted even if there is a specific morality in mind. Choosing not to help villages because it puts you in danger or opting to stick around an extra turn to help some people escape will change the way people view the player and alter future scenes in the story. There were a lot of difficult decisions in the first The Banner Saga and it feels like there are even more here in the sequel. It feels like your decisions have actual consequences here, real effects that manifest themselves in subsequent chapters of the story. Part of the fun with the plot comes from the fact that this bills itself as an interactive story, and is one of the few titles that actually feels like it lives up to that promise.

the banner saga 1 & 2

Obviously they're saving some of the biggest moments for The Banner Saga 3, and from everything they've showed in the story thus far, that game will absolutely be a must-play upon its release. The only issue here is that this is only the middle portion of the saga, and so many major issues are not wrapped up by the time the game finishes. This is the kind of game that could be recommended simply for the story alone, and this is one of those experiences where people will wind up playing much later into the night than they should just because they're desperate to find out what happens next. It is hard to get into too many details without spoiling the fun, but this is a very well written story with a memorable cast of characters. The lore and backstory here is incredible, and the amount of detail they put into the world is truly commendable. The story in The Banner Saga 2 is absolutely phenomenal, and is likely one of the most engrossing works released within the past couple of years on any console. It's basically been a rough couple of months for these warriors and, as anyone who played the first game knows, things are likely about to get a lot rougher. Unfortunately, we cannot wait for erosion to take care of the baddies by itself, and things are made more complicated when a giant serpent starts doing bad giant serpent things that may or may not end the entirety of the world. The traveling group of heroes are still in the midst of a war against the Dredge, large stone-like warriors that are out to kill all things human and squishy. Regardless of the exact composition of the traveling party, things aren't looking too hot for the Viking-like clan as the story starts again. It is hard to get too detailed on the plot without completely spoiling the ending for the first game, but suffice to say if you played the end of the first game then there are two very different starting variations to your party depending on some of the choices you made.

The banner saga 1 & 2